Breathe (2023), A video series exploring ways to heal my Hay-fever, which, debilitates me all through spring and beginning of summer every year in London.
Male trees are often favoured by urban landscape planners as female trees can shed fruit as well as seeds and pods. This creates a pollen-coated cityscapes and is contributing to hay fever affecting more than 400 million people worldwide. More than 300 million people have asthma, often an effect of hay fever, and that number is expected to rise by 100 million by 2025.
“Allergenic tree pollen was found to be one of the biggest contributors to hay fever and asthma, and pollen counts have also been rising over the past 15 years. This health issue is going largely unaddressed despite there being a simple solution: a bigger mix of male and female trees in urban areas.” Guardian article, Ally Hirschlag (2020)
This health issue soon transformed in a feminist issue.
My environment and modern medicine failing to soothe my suffering, I set out to find answers through medicinal plants, one of them being nettles. I started consuming them in salads and warm beverages to soothe the pain and aid my breathing, it did succeed in a lot of relief. Upon more research I found that getting stung by the nettle leaves also aids the relief of symptoms. I began to explore this practise and its effect on my body. The beating felt like a form of punishment, revealing my frustration with the how nature would suffocate me every year. Whilst simultaneously making me feel empowered by taking it into my own hands, and experiencing a sensuality and closeness in this complex partnership. Those that love you hurt you the most, those you love hurt you the most.
In this series, I also created Breathing Shield (2024). This was created through my fascination with earthen/cob buildings and learning about their healing properties. Cob actually 'breathes' through its tiny pores and keeps air fresh and clear. This prevents damp, mould and eliminates toxins. I built Breathing Shield as an act of protest and breathing tool.